As gardeners, we enjoy the fruits of our labors in many ways – especially when we get to eat them. On that note, it’s time to start planting your early spring veggies. Even if it’s your first time this season, growing your own veggies is easy and you literally get to eat the benefits. A few good plants to start at this point in the season are snap peas, lettuces and spinach – three plants that will have you well on your way to a home grown salad. Beets also work well for a “fast crop” variety. Whereas broccoli, brussels sprouts and cabbage work well as “cold crop” varieties.
Typically, it is better to purchase young plants that are available to transplant to your garden. Successive plantings of all these choices will give you fresh veggies all season. And don’t forget to plant a few herbs while you’re out there.
On a maintenance note, be aware of the potential for “Downy Mildew” on impatiens this season. This past year, there have been several reports of cases moving further and further north. Downy Mildew only effects impatiens grown from cuttings. All impatiens grown from seed are unaffected unless spores from last season are still living in the soil. This year, Wagners will not sell impatiens started from cuttings, and will only carry those we grow from seed.
If you’re looking for more information, check out our Wagners care card on Downy Mildew. The care card will tell you everything from spotting the signs in your garden to suggested care tips.
As always, we carry the best plants for the successful gardens, season after season. If you ever have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to ask us!
See you outside!
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