Some of you may be anxious to start some seeds to later transplant to your garden. You will get to enjoy the simple satisfaction of growing your own. To be successful, you will need to provide the right conditions for germination. You may want to start with “easy seeds” that are quick to germinate. Like tomato, basil, marigold, zinnia, or sunflower. Use a soilless growing mix or the peat pellets, which are really easy and not too messy. Don’t start the seeds too soon that they become “leggy” before the soil is warm enough to plant the seedlings outside. Check the instructions on the packet to gage their germination time and schedule their starting date. If left too long inside, they will become stretched and perhaps unhealthy. They need a very sunny window to germinate or use a grow light. Best to use warm water for their drink to. Fertilize lightly after they have developed a second set of leaves. I am sure you will feel a sense of pride when they look healthy and the soil is warm enough to plant outside. We are glad to help if you have a question.
P.S. A but of wisdom heard recently; Always have four things in your life. “Something to do, someone to love, something to hope for, and something to believe in.” What a great philosophy!