Established lawns, shrubs and perennials should receive 1” of water per week delivered all at one time vs a little bit at a time.
When mowing, your grass should be about 3” long after it’s mowed. Longer grass shades the ground keeping it cooler which in turn means less drying out of the soil. Longer grass also prevents weeds from emerging.
Recently planted shrubs, perennials, evergreens and trees will need more frequent watering.
Use a rain gauge to see how long it takes your sprinklers to deliver 1” of water. Each type of sprinkler delivers water at different rates.
Water containers, hanging baskets and window boxes frequently to prevent wilting as plants can take days to totally recover from wilting. Containers and baskets should be fertilized now to keep them blooming since most of the nutrients in the baskets or containers has been depleted. Container grown vegetables will also benefit from having organic fertilizer added to them now.
The vegetable garden should also receive 1” of water per week. Soaker hoses are excellent for use in ground beds as it places water directly on the soil, right next to the plant.
Wood mulch around trees, shrubs, evergreens and perennials helps reduce the amount of watering needed, keeps the soil cooler and helps prevent weed growth.
Watering is best done in the early morning or early evening. Avoid the heat of the day. Plants should be dry before dark to help prevent fungal and bacterial problems.