There are many legends about Valentine’s Day. Some believed if a lady saw a robin on that day, she would marry a sailor. If she saw a sparrow, she would marry a poor man but be very happy. If she saw a goldfinch, she would marry a millionaire! Valentine was a priest back in early… Read More
Woo Your Loved Ones This Valentine’s Day
“Come woo me for now I am in a holiday mood”. A quote from the Shakespeare play, “ As you like it”. That is just to remind you that Valentine’s Day is near and I suggest you remember to honor one of your loved ones on that day. Celebrations are a great excuse to escape… Read More
Celebrate Valentines Day with Wagners
Greetings to all and we want to wish you a “Happy Valentines Day.” I am sure you received our e-mail invite for a relaxed evening of: “Wine, Cheese, and Roses” Wednesday, February 10, from 6pm.m to 8p.m. This is our valentine gift to you, our “special” friend and customer. Please let us know if you… Read More