Now is the time to plant spring bulbs such as tulips, daffodils, crocus, and hyacinth as well as many of the lesser known varieties such as allium, dwarf iris, fritillaria (Persian Lily), chiorodoxa (Glory of the snow) and more. Don’t be stingy when planting! Plant in mass and use a wide variety of bulbs to ensure a long springtime of color. Pick up the Wagner’s Care Card, “Fall Planting of Spring Flowering Bulbs”, for growing advice and planting tips.
Of course, tulips are the most popular bulb and come in a wide variety of colors. It’s a good idea to plant new bulbs every two to three years as hybridized bulbs may lose their vigor over time and stop blooming. If squirrels are a problem in your yard, you may want to consider burying some chicken wire just below the soil surface. It will deter them from digging up your bulbs and the plants will grow right through it next spring. Coarse gravel or stone(not round)placed on the soil surface will also deter critters as they don’t like digging through the sharp edges. Granular repellants are an easy, convenient way to go as well. Daffodils are one bulb that the squirrels and deer do not seem to bother. Check out some of the newest varieties that come in more colors than the standard yellow ones. Plant some fragrant hyacinths along your sidewalk, front door or mailbox so you can enjoy their lovely, spring scent.
“Minor” bulbs such as crocus can be planted right in your lawn. The flowers and foliage will usually fade before the grass needs mowing. Toss the bulbs and plant them where they land for a naturalized look. And while you’re at it, why not plant some garlic bulbs? Garlic has been grown since ancient times and is a staple in many popular dishes. It’s easy to grow and stores a long time. Plant garlic bulbs designated for our climate and not from the grocery store as they are unsuitable for Minnesota growing conditions. Three or four weeks after planting, apply straw mulch to prevent winter damage. I can already taste it in my green beans or beef stew!
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